If you have experience with the current MN child care center regulations being applied within MN Montessori programs, please share your feedback in this survey. The survey form also offers the opportunity to be invited to a virtual meeting MNMN is hosting with our DHS partners on October 10, 2023 to share feedback. MNMN deeply appreciates our partnership with the MN Department of Human Services (DHS). Our collaboration over the years has resulted in considerable understanding of our shared values and passion for safe quality care of children that helps Minnesota children reach their full potential. Through our partnership, we have already created the current Montessori Variance Pack. These are five pre-agreed upon variances to support MN Montessori Schools being able to comply with the spirit of the current legislation and agency requirements, while scaffolding children's self-construction in alignment with Montessori's method. Now, our DHS partners would value feedback from the Montessori community in MN to support their transformative Child Care Centers Regulation Modernization project. Brandon Tice, Licensing Policy Analyst with the Office of the Inspector General, MN Department of Human Services, shares that he and his colleagues would like to: learn about your experience with the regulations. We would appreciate feedback to inform what changes need to be made to our child care licensing standards. We would like to learn about is challenging and what works, and identify any changes to make these regulations more suited for Montessori programs. Please share this post or the survey with your Montessori colleagues who have experience with the MN regulations impact upon Montessori programs and insights for improvements.
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