Updated 2/25/2020: We regret that the Montessori Family Salsabration must be canceled due to low registration. This event is intended to connect Montessori families, and without sufficient registrants we cannot fulfill that purpose!
We appreciate the effort you all made to inform Montessori families of this opportunity! We look forward to hosting this event on another date, given the resounding positive feedback we received. We are excited to welcome all Montessori families into the Minnesota Montessori Network and inform them more easily in the future. We will design future events based on the Network members, including age of children and locations. ------------------------------------------ MNMN's Montessori Parent, Student, & Alumni Association is hosting their very first community event! Register today and pass the invitation onto your community via email and this downloadable flyer! We are celebrating 150 Years of Montessori with a completely revamped organization!
This radical maturation is a leap forward toward realizing our vision for Montessori in Minnesota! Have fun exploring the New Network on this new website and become a member today to see the BIG changes! |